I am a Close To My Heart Supervisor! Make money Scrapping! Join Team Travels Through Life and I will show you how!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Cyber Monday? How about Cyber WEEK!!! Close To My Heart Style!!!
Starting this Monday at 9:00 am MST get 25% off
Selected items from my Close To My Heart OBA
Just click the image below to go there:
Important information!!!
The Exclusive Artfully Sent Cricut Cartridge will also
be 25% off during Cyberweek!!!
Just look for the special "Cyberweek Sales" shopping menu and enjoy the savings!!!
Link above didn't work?
Type or click here:
The sale ends Friday at 4pm MST!!!
(Keep in mind though...supplies ARE limited!!!)
Friday, October 30, 2015
Join Team Travels Through Life TODAY!!! Only two days left to get the 'Bag'!!!
If you are a crafter, a former CTMH consultant, a former Creative Memories consultant or just looking for some extra $$ click the above link to find out why now is such a great time to join
the Close To My Heart family! For years I have enjoyed creating cards and scrapbook pages with my customers and fellow consultants! What a wonderful way to make some extra money (that I usually spend of more craft items!). But it is more than that! The wonderful people I have met since I have been with CTMH has been life changing! New friends are made every year at the fabulous annual Convention and other events that Close To My Heart puts on!
But hurry!!! This wonderful bag is available for ONLY 2 more DAYS!!!
For those who don't know, this was a convention only exclusive that was given out to every consultant that attended this years convention. Well, except for me! I got my very own special Men's version of the bag that is more laptop bag size! Though, with that said I would have LOVED this years bag. They went all out on this one! BUT these is still time for YOU to have your
very own bag if you join my team today!!!
Join now and make plans to join our Team Party at next years convention at
Disney World and you'll get your own exclusive bag next year too!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Cricut FLASH SALE!!! FREE SHIPPING and FREE Stamp of the Month!!! Today only!!!
Today only!!! Order ANY Exclusive Close To My Heart Cricut Cartridge
and not only will you get FREE SHIPPING you will also get the
September a Stamp of the Month FREE as well!!!
Choose from any of the 5 Cartridges below:
You have two options to take advantage of the Flash Sales.
One: Just follow the links and place your order on-line. Pay for the SOTM & Shipping then
send me an email at jrm@travelsthroughlife.com and as soon as your order ships I will send you via Paypal the cost of the Shipping and the Stamp of the Month.
Two: Send me an email at jrm@travelsthroughlife.com and request an invoice and I will send you out one ASAP so you can submit your payment for just the Cartridge(s) and that way you don't have to pre-pay the shipping and SOTM. PLEASE make sure you tell me which Cartridge(s) you would like to order!
REMEMBER your order MUST be completed by 3pm Pacific Time so I have time to process your invoice. You have until 9pm Pacific Time if you are ordering on the website and are pre-paying for the shipping and Stamp of the Month. Your reimbursement will be sent to you as soon as confirmation that your order has shipped has arrived.
Monday, September 28, 2015
September Card Kit $20.00 with FREE SHIPPING!!! But hurry! Only DAYS left...
2 Day Flash Sales!!!
September 29th and 30th
Send me an email and I will send you an invoice.
Email me here: jrm@travelsthroughlife.com
Payment MUST be received by 9pm Pacific Time on September 30th for the FREE SHIPPING.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Poor Jamie has been MIA!!!
Let me just say...
Pancreatitis sucks!!!
All my planned new catalog posts
have been delayed!
But PLEASE go to my website
and check out the new catalog now!!!
Not thing says
'Get well soon!'
Than to see an order come through the pike!
Hope to be out of the hospital tomorrow!
Fingers crossed!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Crafting with Sock Monkey video series coming soon!!!

Crafting with Sock Monkey
The New Video Series coming soon!!!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Attention all Former Close To My Heart Consultants!!! Join back NOW!!!
Come back TODAY!!!
This special ends SEPTEMBER 30th!!!
I'm betting that you were one of 2 types of consultants...
The first being the Hobbyist.
(You know, not wanting to grow
a business but want to cool stuff)
The second being the Business Builder.
(You know what you want and you want
your Close To My Heart business to
get you there)
Guess what?
Either way we want YOU to join
Team Travels Through Life!!!
Did you get lost in the shuffle the first time around?
Well, we are Here for YOU!!!
We are a small VERY energetic team that wants
to focus on building a successful team that
encourages our people to not only meet
their goals but to exceed them!!!
Hobbyists, we will show you how you can have a monthly crop that will not only cover your quarterly minimum but put some extra $$ in your craft fund as well!
We will help you establish a plan to keep that minimum sales quota in line and take
the pressure off so you can concentrate on what you love doing. CRAFTING!!!
Business Builders, YOU are our kind of people!!!
You want to do what you love AND love what you do!
Yep, we go the extra mile for our Travels Through Life Team!!!
From the moment you sign up with us we send all of our
Business Builders a 'Care Package' of things to help
you grow your business successfully
in an organized fashion!
But it doesn't stop there! You will be invited into our special 'Members Only" Facebook Group
exclusively for Travel Through Life Team Members! But then you will also be able to be
a part of my upline's group and her upline's group as well!!! Instantly you will have
a group of fellow consultants there for YOU!!! Questions? Clarifications? Just want some
feedback? We've got you covered! You will never feel 'lost in the shuffle' again!!!
Just click on the Photo/Link above to join Team
Travels Through Life
(The special Consultant Kit is only available during the Month of August!)
Not a former CTMH Consultant but would still like to join the party?
Click on the same photo/link above and be a part of our Team!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
A Series from the Heart Part II
The Close To My Heart 2015 Convention was truly life changing!!!
The best of both worlds!
There is, naturally, the creative side;
The new catalog preview, 'Hands On' making amazing crafts, Stickyboy,
inspirational seminars and the like.
Then there was the business side;
Not sure why, but this year REALLY spoke to me. I had the honor of
attending Leadership Day (well, part anyway, I flew in that morning so
I missed half of it. MY LOSS!!!) and that was AMAZING!!! Actually, all
of the business events were amazing! The company seems to be going
out of its way to help the consultants that want to grow their business
succeed! (Not to say they haven't always done so, it just seems to be
on steriods this year! Lol!)
Once I got home I had to step back, unplug (Yes, even went 'dark' on FB!)
and soak it all in and looked deep within myself and had to ask; "Is
this REALLY what you want Jamie?" I had to really think this through.
I had some really incredible conversations with some very important
people at CTMH and I was left inspired, motivated and ready to accept
the challenges placed before me! (This is above and beyond the other
challenges I had already agreed to do...)
Oh, and the answer to question I had asked myself?
"Hell yeah!!!"
You see, I realized that not only do I truly want this, in some aspects I
feel that I need it as well! It is cathartic in ways, enjoyable, fufilling,
challenging, fun, creative, lucrative and rewarding on so many levels.
There we go...a rough mission statement.
(More to come: The challenges...)
and soak it all in and looked deep within myself and had to ask; "Is
this REALLY what you want Jamie?" I had to really think this through.
I had some really incredible conversations with some very important
people at CTMH and I was left inspired, motivated and ready to accept
the challenges placed before me! (This is above and beyond the other
challenges I had already agreed to do...)
Oh, and the answer to question I had asked myself?
"Hell yeah!!!"
You see, I realized that not only do I truly want this, in some aspects I
feel that I need it as well! It is cathartic in ways, enjoyable, fufilling,
challenging, fun, creative, lucrative and rewarding on so many levels.
There we go...a rough mission statement.
(More to come: The challenges...)
A Series from the Heart Part I
Well, here it is...
What is close to MY heart?
It IS Close To My Heart!!!
I am so happy to be a part of such a wonderful company!
While I have never actually met the founder Jeanette Linton she truly
reminds me of my mother. I wish they could have met! Some of you
knew my mom and the running joke in the family was that she had
taught Martha Stewert everything she knows. She was the 'Martha'
of her time. Jeanette's talent, passion and character are so similar
to my mom's that I can't help but want to be a part of her company!
But it is more than that...
It is the people. All the people at the home office. Everyone who I
have had any contact with are just wonderful people! It doesn't matter
whether they are working in the warehouse or running the whole show,
they sincerely care about each and every one of us that is involved
with CTMH.
I am exteremly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful company!!!
Much more to come...
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
My personal challenge...or, Watch This Space!
So my favorite guest artist Marcia was working on a card idea for the upcoming
Close To My Heart Convention at Disneyland
this is what she started with...
Well, she ended up going a COMPLETELY different direction
(will post a link to her 'real' card after it is on her blog)
so I decided I would let this be MY inspiration for a card to take to Convention!
I instantly knew what changes I wanted to make!
I will tell you one and the rest you will have to wait
for the updated post when I finish my card!
Okay, as simple as it sounds
I think it will make a major change...
I will be making 'shadows' of the hexagon pieces that I use.
The rest you'll just have to wait and see!
Watch This Space!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
It is a Retirement Party and YOU are invited!!!
Is there cake?
Are there Prizes?
No. Not this time... ;-)
Is there Free Shipping?
To join the Retirement Party start here:
This is the list of all of the Close To My Heart products that are retiring.
Buy now before they are gone forever!!!
"But what about that FREE SHIPPING?"
Great question!
There are two options. Option 1: is to pay for you order along with the shipping and then email me with a stamp set that the same price as the shipping and I will add it onto your order OR
Option 2: I will refund your shipping via Paypal as soon as your order is processed!
How easy speasy is that?!?
So what are you waiting for? Get shopping NOW!!!
This offer is only valid until the end of the month.
BONUS!!! (okay, I lied. There IS a prize! The first 10 orders will get a FREE June Stamp of the Month!!! Same deal as the FREE SHIPPING just let me know how you want reimbursed.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Love Crafting? Love Disneyland? Want to make some extra $$? Join me!!!
Yep, it is true!
Your truly will once again be joining Stickyboy for another fun filled
Close To My Heart Convention!!!
But guess what?
YOU TOO can join Team Travels Through Life TODAY
and still get in on the fun!!!
Get the skinny on joining up with Close To My Heart here:
Still not sure?
Watch this:
Still need more information?
Shoot me an email!
Ice Cream for the June Stamp of the Month
Too cute!!! Just look at that happy little. Puppy!
He reminds me of my dog Hamlet! When he is extra good I give him a Frosty Paws treat which is basically an ice cream up for dogs. He scoots it all over the house until there is nothing left!
Check back! I'll be posting some projects that I have made using this stamp set.
Where ARE my manners?!?
I bet you are wondering just how you can get this limited stamp set, am I right?
Well, you can go here and buy it for $17.95: Ice Cream Dream S1506
You can go here: http://macsisak.ctmh.com/retail/category.aspx and order $50.00 worth of products and get the stamp set for only $5.00!
You can go here: http://macsisak.ctmh.com/retail/category.aspx and order $100.00 worth of products and get the stamp set for FREE!!! (Just place your order, pay the $5.00, shoot an email to me @ jrm@travelsthroughlife.com and once I verify your order I will send you $5.00 via PayPal.)
AND any Stamp of the Month orders placed between June 1st and June 7 will also receive FREE SHIPPING!!! Again, just shoot me an email and I will reimburse you via PayPal that same day!!!
REMEMBER the link above for the Stamp of the Month does not go 'live' until June 1st!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Something wicked this way comes...
(Okay, just so we are all on the same page, when I said 'wicked' I of course meant that in the way they say "wicked" in the world of Harry Potter! You know, like "ultra cool!", "fanTASTIC!!!" and the like. Great! Now that we have that settled...)
Brace yourself for: Something new! Something fun!! Something educational!!!
Crafting with Sock Monkey!!!!
Watch this space.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Told you so! Batman vs Superman Close To My Heart style!!!
Yes, as promised I used my Batman Hotel post to inspire more crafts!
This Superman logo is actually made with retired Close To My Heart Christmas paper!
Look who's Dotty for Batman! Yes indeed, the Batman logo was also created using
Close To My Heart paper!!! This time using the retired Dotty paper.
Keep your eyes out, I might do some more soon!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Our lovely Guest Artist is BACK!!! With a special Thank You!
It s a special day here at Travels Through Life!!!
Our favorite Guest Artist is back!
Marcia Macsisak the owner of the blog: Cards With Marcia
was kind enough to let us show of her latest card even before her own blog has it!
She even included the original sketch she came up with for the vacuum cleaner.
While you cannot really see it the 'Thank You' above is in gold foil!
What is amazing is that the vacuum is not a Cricut Shape!
Well, it is a variety of shapes cut using the Cricut but not a pre-made
design, that is why this card is amazing!!!
This was the original sketch of what Marcia wanted to vacuum to look like.
I think she was spot on with the final product!
Keep your fingers crossed! I'm begging Marcia to make another one so
I can video it and share how she did it with everyone!
Come on! Post some encouraging comments and also check out Marcia's Blog too!!!
(and Marcia...you are welcome! Thanks for the fabulous card!!!)
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Another My Crush Book retrofit!
This Congratulation Card was made with a deconstructed My Crush For Her Book.
Z3081My Crush For Her Book www.macsisak.ctmh.com
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Life is better...
Yesterday I had the privilege to attend a wonderful Close To My Heart event; Making Connections.
One of things we did was to crush one of the Close To My Heart My Crush Books. We used the My Crush For Her book (Z3081 $10.95) and made 2 layouts and 6 cards!
I plan on doing a Workshop on this soon!
Join my Close To My Heart team: Travels Through Life and I will show you how to have your own My Crush Book Workshop!!!
Matter of fact, if you join now depending on where you live you might still be available to attend one of the CTMH Making Connections events near you!!!
Email me for more info or go here to join my team!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
We are all Pinners! Travels Through Life on Pinterest!!!
Okay, now that we have peaked your Pinterest...
Come and follow us now!!!
We will be showcasing many things on our boards including Fabulous Must Have items, Too Much Fun at Close To My Heart events and even Fabulous examples of
'Out of the Box' CTMH style crafts!
You can never have too much fun when it comes to Crafting!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
My S(?)he Art
If you do not already know what She Art is Google it now and look at 'images'. That will give you an excellent idea to what She Art is!
Since I am not a 'She' this is an example of my 'He Art'...
When I did my Google search I was immediately drawn to a wonderful photo of a face (go to the link below and it is the last photo of Sara's She Art project) staring back at me!
Now honestly, when looking at my She Art I have NO IDEA how I went from that face to what I made but I am in Sara's debt for her inspiration on my first She Art project!!!
All of my project was done with Close To My Heart products!
Go hear to see what wonderful items you can find for you own She Art!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Just Clowning Around...
While, naturally my first love is Close To My Heart I am going to start using up all my old papers that I have lying around. This card is actually made with the CTMH Autumn Terracotta 1270 as the base of the card and the Clown Paper was from an offer I just could not resist! A place up the way had a sale going on and there was a table of paper '5lbs for $1.00'. (Who could resist that, right?) Well, most of it was faded solid colors and then I saw a small piece of the clown paper sticking out and pulled out the whole stack and for less than $2.00 I was out the door! Lol!
My Mojo Monday!
I'm ready for my Close-up!
Details, details...
All done! (Well, almost...)
The Clown Paper is called Le Cirque Collection from graphic 45 papercrafting but alas the copyright is from 2011 so not sure if anyone still has it.
The only Close To My Heart item was the plain card stock that I mentioned AND the AMAZING CTMH Scissors!!!
I've always liked them just fine but only used them here and there for a quick cut BUT that changed when I made this card!!! This cute flying clown above was trimmed around using these FAB scissors!!!
Here is more information:
BUY THESE NOW! Seriously, they are THAT great!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Connie's Chicken Coup
What is it?!?
More correct would be; What was it?
This is a sneak peak into the world of CCCP (Connie's Chicken Coup Patterns)...
Also check out here...
More to come...
So true! Real Men DO Scrapbook!
They also make cards!!!
Brian Holman is such a great guy! I love hanging with him at convention!
Close To My Heart?
Today is the LAST DAY
to take advantage of this special offer!!!
Today is the day to do it! During the month of March, new
Consultants who enroll will receive a FREE shoulder tote (a retail value
of over $26 USD) in their New Consultant Kit.
Our New Consultant Kit is just $99 USD and includes nearly
triple the retail value in products and supplies. Including your FREE shoulder
tote, that is a savings of over $290 USD!
Additionally, new Consultants who remit $300 worth of
commissionable sales in their first 40 days after their New Consultant Kit
ships will receive the rolling tote (a retail value of $149.95 USD) as a FREE
bonus (not including shipping/handling)!
These organization pieces are designed to help you get your
business rolling, but they are only available while supplies last, so hurry on
over and join today! Dates: Offer valid March 1, 2015–March 31,
Close To My Heart offers
you your choice of two terrific kits, one especially for cardmakers and one for
scrapbookers. Each kit is offered for the low price of $99. Another value added
bonus is the opportunity to get your kit for FREE! If you reach $1200 in
commissionable sales (sales are denoted as retail sales) in your first three
months as a Consultant, your Consultant Kit (minus shipping & handling)
will be refunded to you and given to you on your Commissions. Let me do
the math for you... If you take advantage of all of these great deals and join
Close To My Heart this month, you are eligible to earn a total of $871
in combined free product and commissions. Plus special additional offers to make this deal worth over $1,000!! Don't delay, sign up now!
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